THERAPY METHODSI use many techniques to help my patients achieve their goals. With adult patients, we cultivate insight through exploration of experiences, perceptions and dreams. We utilize cognitive behavioral techniques to develop more adaptive ways of thinking and coping with life's challenges. I have a growing interest in teaching mindfulness based stress reduction techniques to help manage painful feeling states and experiences.. Sometimes the use of techniques such as journaling and various self care strategies are integrated into the treatment as well. I have experience treating a multitude of issues many struggle with, including depression, anxiety, trauma, addiction, relationship issues, work stress issues and grief.
SAND-PLAY THERAPY & PLAY THERAPYIn my work with children, I also use a variety of techniques and approaches. I utilize play therapy techniques to build rapport, comfort and provide a comfortable setting to share feelings. I may play traditional board games or therapeutic ones that encourage skills such as identification of feelings, social skills and conflict resolution. I also do a projective type of play therapy called sand play therapy. This is a technique dating back to the 1920s which encourages the child to use a variety of miniatures to create a scene in an elevated tray of sand. They may use water, objects from nature, sacred symbols, mythological symbols, people, vehicles, buildings, animals and other objects representing everyday life. As a result, they express their feelings, conflicts and concerns non-verbally in a non-judgmental environment witnessed by me. I have seen children show great improvement in symptoms such as nightmares, anxiety, verbal outbursts and fears through their work in the sand tray. Please visit for more information about sandplay therapy.
I also use cognitive behavioral techniques with children and teenagers to develop alternatives to harmful or self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. I often utilize bibliotherapy, which is simply the use of books with themes related to many common problems in childhood, such as managing fear and anxiety, building social skills and solving problems and conflicts. I work closely with parents, encouraging communication and helping parents develop their own skills and fostering resolution of family conflicts. I coordinate my treatment efforts with the child's teachers and other professionals as needed, such as psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, educational psychologists, school counselors, nutritionists and educational therapists. I believe to successfully treat the child, the therapist must have a strong understanding of all the systems that impact the daily life of the child. I view facilitating communication between the systems to achieve clarity and consistency as an important part of my role.